Farmington River Fishing Report

No Love At The TMA

Spring fever got the better of me so I loaded my gear and headed down to the Farmington river tma. I arrived at a spot that I've had good luck in the past. I parked the truck and started my treck down to the river. The snow was far deeper than I had imagined. By the time I got to the spot both boots were full of snow. Fished for an hour or so without so much as a sniff. My feet were cold and wet so I headed back to the truck to find 2 awaiting DEEP officers. They checked my liscence and asked if I had any luck. They said spring stocking has already started. I asked them about the budget cuts and the rumored closing of Kensington hatchery. They replied at this time it is just a rumor but if the budget passes it could have a major affect on the state stocking program.He suggested I help spred the word and our voices be heard.At least thats what I think he said.I was so out of breath from the hike up the mountain in a foot of snow.

  • Added By: hvac1 on 03/15/15 05:37 PM
  • Location: Farmington River
  • Report Date: 3/12/2015
  • Learn more about Farmington River fishing in our fishing message boards

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